Partner with Us


The Organization for Business Equality value your support. If you would like to partner with us, please donate to support our program by clicking the donate button below.

We need your financial support in order for us to be able to offer the programs that we are committed to offering minority and women businesses to foster the achievement of our goal of business equality and minority business success in the marketplace.


As the President and CEO of Organnization for Business Equality. I am honored and priviledged to lead an organization whose primary purpose is to serve minority businesses and those in need. At the Organization for Business Equality, we are touching lives and restoring hope one person at a time.

If there is one important thing that we should remember about our constitution, it is that all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights to freedom and pursuit of happiness. That is why the Organization for Business Equality was founded on a mission to give African American and minority businesses equal access to the American dream.

We are glad that you have chosen to get involved.